Sale Policies
What happens if my preliminary bid ties with a virtual sale buyer for the same vehicle?
If your preliminary bid ties with a virtual bidder for a particular vehicle, then the award goes to the virtual bidder. To prevent a tie, the preliminary bidder should check the Increment Bidding option box. When the Increment Bidding option is used, BID4U will increase the preliminary bid by one and only one increment, therefore breaking the tie.
What does "On-Approval" mean?
The high bid must be approved by the seller. If you have the high bid but the minimum bid has not been met, you will have the opportunity to increase your bid. The seller has 2 business days not including the day of the auction to approve any sales.
What does "On Minimum bid" mean?
There is a minimum bid amount for this item. The words "On Approval" will disappear and be replaced with "Selling' All the Way" if the minimum bid amount has been met.
Please contact the Operation Centre if you require help with this. It is your responsibility to check your account on a regular basis.